Organizing the Bookcase

Posted March 13th, 2011 by

I just recommended Stephen King’s UR to a fellow Kindle reader.  …an absoulte MUST read for the Kindle.  🙂

…made me think of my own task of managing the bookshelves of tradiational tomes.  Dude, the guy in this video makes rearranging bookshelves look like fun! 

I’m thinking digital copies are MUCH easier to manage. …but then, what do I do with all those traditionally bound books?

I created a LM5 article on possibilities for passing along used books.  Maybe that will help.

But what about all these ebooks I’m accumulating?  Can I loan or share those?  Can I ever purge them from my library if they’re truly terrible?  How am I supposed to organize my digital bookshelves????

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