Flood Light at McDonalds?

Posted April 1st, 2011 by cdclocks@gmail.com

Okay.  This is one for the “Really? Seriously?” category.  There is a giant flood light/search light flashing back and forth across the night sky near Belly Acres.  To say the least, this is NOT a common occurrence.  When one of those obnoxious attention-getting distractors DOES appear, it’s usually to promote/draw attention to a car show…a car sale…a travelling faire…a big race…some other huge sporting event…or even a monstrous screening of Star Wars.  (Well, it does look like a giant light sabre.)

Tonight’s spectacle?  McDonald’s.  Seriously.  It’s waving over McDonald’s.  …a new McDonald’s that opened today, but not even REALLY a new McDonalds’.  It’s a new McDonald’s building that was constructed over the old McDonald’s…in the exact same spot…where the old McDonald’s was demolished a couple of months ago.  

Seriously?  After weeks of watching the demolition and reconstruction on the daily drive, McDonald’s really thinks we need a giant flood light/search light to bring attention to the fact that it’s open once again?  A simple yard-stake sign or even a banner proclaiming “Now Open” would have more than sufficed. 

What do y’all think?  Grand opening/reopening overkill, or is it a legitimate promotional tactic?  McDonald’s?  A Talladega Race, it ain’t.   

3 Responses to “Flood Light at McDonalds?”

  1. Mack's Mission

    I personally thought the Hamburglar Waiving to passing traffic was the best touch!

  2. moochie

    Oh, Sherry…It IS Oxford, Alabama…a city in the state that is only preceeded in bad nutrition, fast foods joints per capita, and over weight folks by….drum roll, please…Mississippi. People camped out to be the first in line……….It doesn’t take much to entertain us. Did Leon cut the ribbon?

  3. CD Clocks

    (((snicker))). I drove by this morning and found the flood light unattended. Y’all have no idea how tempted I was to put a silhouette on it and turn it into THE BAT SIGNAL! Lol!