Archive for the ‘Warm Fuzzies and Coolness’ category

Honda – The Cog

April 8th, 2011

I’ve always loved this video/commercial, but the only verbal line in the whole thing (at the end) really strikes me as appropriate lately.  🙂 “Isn’t it nice when things just work?”

I first saw this story on Facebook, shared by a friend who encouraged watching the video with “I would like for every softball / baseball player and coaches to watch this.”  Since it is ball season, and goodness knows, we could all use some inspiration these days, I followed the link, Injury Turns into Inspiration […]

It’s a Book.  It’s an awesome book, entitled It’s a Book.  In the theme of a three year old asking “Why is the sky blue?” followed by multiple subsequent questions, our characters (a mouse, a jackass, and a monkey) explore an absolutely hilarious dialog about this thing called a book and what features it has […]

Organizing the Bookcase

March 13th, 2011

I just recommended Stephen King’s UR to a fellow Kindle reader.  …an absoulte MUST read for the Kindle.  🙂…made me think of my own task of managing the bookshelves of tradiational tomes.  Dude, the guy in this video makes rearranging bookshelves look like fun!  I’m thinking digital copies are MUCH easier to manage. …but then, […]

Ok.  I obviously can’t say too much about where I work, but this clip from YouTube is a public video to explain to folks what we do at the CDP (Center for Domestic Preparedness).  As for me, I work on the training manuals and materials.  The second video (below), however, is why I REALLY love […]

Disney Magic, in Autographs

February 20th, 2011

Once upon a time, I found this book on eBay entitled Disney Pals Autograph Artist.  I was young and distracted…and I let the auction end without participating in any serious bidding.  I’ve been looking for that book ever since.  We all know that Disney cast members are extensively trained to work in the parks.  Particular […]

Awesome Alabama Valentines

February 14th, 2011

Valentine’s Day is just fun…if you just watch and listen.  Flowers come into the office and folks talk about gifts and plans all day.  I know Facebook status messages have mentioned everything from candy to candlelight dinners today, but I’m a little partial to southern charm, myself… Hubby suprised me with a new bedliner for […]

Welcome to Belly Acres!

February 13th, 2011

Welcome to Belly Acres, Alabama. Belly Acres is my home, and belly achin’ on the front porch is what we do…among other things.  Basically, any topic that might arise on the front porch is fair game for Belly Acres, our front porch in the Blogosphere.